Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Chapter 49

Chapter 49


     It is not long now when, like in America, public display of crosses and Christian symbols will be made illegal only to be replaced by giant Jewish menorahs.

     And guess who will carry the blame for all of this? That's right, the Muslims.

     The Prophet killers have declared a war to death against Christ (PBUH), his name, his legacy.

     They have been hard at work to remove all Christian symbols in what were once Christian countries, as if to erase their Christian memory.

     They have had some great success in countries such as the USA and the Church's eldest daughter - France.

     But that is not enough.

     They now need to go to the next level without being discovered and have found the perfect cover for their crimes: the Muslims.

     Muslims have become the new Christ Killers.

     How many times have we heard that the removal of Nativity Scene in Europe, the removal of more and more Christian symbols are done 'because it offends the Muslims'.

     All WN stray dogs have been spreading this new judaic gospel of Satan long before the 'Migrant Crisis' started and will be used as the main vehicle to transmit this new found truth that the Muslims - not the jews - are the only enemies of Christ/Christianity and have been all along, even before Islam emerged on the historical scene.

     Most average Europeans have always believed that the Muslims are destroying our 'Christian Heritage' and will easily, once again, fall into this judaic trap, as they have been falling into all judaic traps for the past 500 years.

     I have seen many demonstrations of Europeans protesting at the conversion of an abandoned church into a mosque, preferring it to be totally razed to the ground or replaced by a brothel rather than seeing it being revived under the banner of a monotheistic-Abrahamic. But I have yet to see Europeans protesting against the bulldozing of innumerable centuries old monasteries, churches, abbeys, crosses etc.

     The Ugly Truth is that Europeans/Westerners have been destroying their Christian heritage ever since the Renaissance and the Reformation/Protestantism, that bastard child born of the union between the Renaissance and judaism.

     It is the Westerners who have been willingly and cheerfully erasing the Christian fibers that was part of them.

     No one has been more hateful in their passionate attacks against Catholicism than the Westerners themselves.

     And no one is more violently and ferociously opposed to a revivification of Christianity on European soil than the Westerners themselves.

     The Muslims have nothing to do with it.

     And yet, despite these undeniable facts, the overwhelming majority of Westerners, including self-proclaimed 'Truthers', refuse to admit the Ugly Truth and love to believe the latest tailor-made Gospel Satan and his Synagogue have concocted for them: the Muslims are the new Christ Killers, the Muslims are the real Christ Killers, the Muslims are the sole Christ killers.

     Like the jews, their masters, most Westerners are now beyond redemption.






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