I have sought to help what is outlined in this brief book be more widely understood for over forty years, but the catatonic resistance adhered to by captors and captives alike has been and remains resolute. I now leave this thankless task to others. It would be wonderful if Schopenhauer were correct in saying, “Truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self evident.”
As history unfolds I sadly anticipate it to be more likely Schopenhauer's third step of “self evidence” will be crushed to the dirt in a wave of incomprehensible violence, part of the final satanic attempt at global dominion, as the following hideous quotes convey: “We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed, not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed. Even if reason tells us, even shouts with all its force the very absurdity of this confrontation between the small and insignificant people of Israel (ie. all Jewry worldwide, not just 'the State of Israel') and the rest of humanity … as absurd, as incoherent and as monstrous as it may seem, we are engaged in close combat between Israel and the Nations - and it can only be genocidal and total because it is about our and their identities.” - Yitzhak Attia, Israel Magazine, April 2003.
“We will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day.” - Arnon Soffer, advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, December, 2004.
Karl Marx, in his poem Invocation of One in Despair, adds this contribution to the satanic Jewish racial identity. - Karl Marx, Collected Works, Vol. 1, New York, 1974. Thanks to Juri Lina.
So a god has snatched from me my all
In the curse and rack of destiny.
All his worlds are gone beyond recall
Nothing but revenge is left to me.
In his poem The Pale Maiden, Marx writes:
Thus heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for hell.
And in Human Pride, published in World Revolution by Nesta Webster, p. 167, he writes:
With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the world.
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.
Then I will be able to walk triumphantly
Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator.
I leave you with a few further quotes, the first attributed to Marcus Tullius Cicero, the great Roman senator, lawyer and orator, assassinated for his opposition to the very same tyranny the world now faces, followed by observations of Wilhelm Reich who languished and died in an American jail in 1957 for expressing thoughts unfavourable to those who continue to oppress Life itself.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation. He works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.” - Cicero.
“Be on your guard, men who guard the ways of living Life. You will be betrayed into leading ruined men toward a freedom which they cannot bear.
You will be misled into giving them all and getting empty admiration out of them right away again in return. Therefore they never get enough and must be filled all the while. They do not return comfort to the giver, it seeps out of them, dispersing uselessly in the sand. You will believe that they mean what they say. They do not. They only speak to please you in order to get more of the very sap of life from you. They will follow you awhile, then they will, sooner or later, begin to smile about you in secret and say how wonderfully silly you are in your great enthusiasm, how unrealistically convinced that the great hope can be accomplished. It can not to their minds. They know it and they know they are right.
You are a dreamer to them, a phantist, something queer, strangely affected like a lunatic. They are right from where they are and what they are. But, you are right from where you see the world. The gap between you and them is deep and unbridgeable.
They will remain sitting on one spot and will drag you down to sit with them, too. You will follow them for awhile because you love them and continue to give them the sap of life they cannot get from within themselves. You think, after a while of rest, they will move on very soon and follow you. They won't.
They will remain sitting, and they will hate you for moving onward yourself, alone. They want your strength, not your worries nor your thrust into things obscure and dangerous and laden with future fateful events. And finally, after having filled their Selfs with everything they need, and continuing to sit on it, they will slowly begin to hate you for disturbing them in the enjoyment of their comforts.
And in the end it will happen that some among them will deliver you to your enemies, inevitably, with the perfect logic of evil, entangling you and smothering you. If they will not kill you physically or deliver you to be killed by their very own enemies, they will besmirch your name, or kill your thought which you have born with pain and much sorrow, of which they know nothing, with their confusion of words and scholastic quibbling over nothing. If they do not kill your thought, they will flatten it into a Talmudic mire. ... Stay alone. Be your own. Your heart will be less oppressed. And leave them alone to their own devices and ways of life. ... a very few will find their way to where you are and will begin to understand.
Your loneliness will at first be unbearable because you love people, you love friendship, and you are a man like them-alike in spite of the great gap. But you must take your loneliness as an inevitable condition of your way of life. There is no other way than loneliness as long as man is empty and does not know what love in the BODY is.
Do not save people. You will be seduced by your admirers into saving people. LET PEOPLE SAVE THEMSELVES. This will be the only way to salvation. ... Just live your life ahead of them. Let your words and thoughts stream out into the wide world and leave them to the world to do with as it pleases.
Let them take it or leave it. The evil fruits of distortion will be theirs, just as the comfort your thought may carry will be theirs.” - Wilhelm Reich, The Murder of Christ, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1953, pgs. 123,124.
“If a truth is too monumental, it turns into a nuisance and is rendered useless. If a truth keeps itself little and innocuous in order to survive, it will be submerged in endless arguments and remain ineffective. ... If the chronic murder of Christ could be stopped, which it cannot be, the reign of God would become a reality.” - ibid, pg. 114.
Sadly, I agree with Reich's observation. I further note with sorrow that humanity now has reached the stage described by Aldous Huxley thus: “By means of ever more effective mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms ... elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest ... will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of Totalitarianism. All the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.”
In early 2016, following the assassinations of US Patriot LaVoy Finicum, while his hands were raised, shot in the back by the FBI, of US Supreme Court Justice Scalia to be replaced by yet another Jew, Merrick Garland, at this vital pinnacle of US jurisprudence, of brilliant researchers and authors Michael Collins Piper and Dave MacGowan via extreme harassment and induced illness, (heart attack and cancer respectively), and the recent conviction of Canadian patriot and educator Arthur Topham for publishing what the Jew controlled puppet British Columbia Supreme Court deemed a hateful anti-semitic website, and now the closing of one of the internet's best educational sites regarding the Jewish problem facing humanity because of newly passed law in France making it illegal to hold a dissenting view from that of the ZOG government of France, I have closed my website, blog and Facebook page, Youtube presentations and removed this book from Amazon, Kindle and other sites for similar reasons.
The global population continues to sleep, while the satanic Jews and their Masonic and other secret society sycophants proceed unhindered forcing Life on this besotted planet more deeply into Hell by the nanosecond.
The French site recently terminated was entitled “I Am The Witness”. Having done my best for over forty years to assist humanity to waken to and address what it now immediately faces, for which effort I have had the lives I had created ruined (I have had to rebuild from nothing a few times), all my money stolen, friendships and relationships destroyed, and yes, attempts on my life, it is quite clear that all that is left is to bear witness to this ancient, meticulously orchestrated, culmination of satanic horror as it devours mankind without remorse.
I close with this excerpt from a presentation entitled The Third and Last Call, given by Martin Cecil (Exeter), April 28, 1974. I was in attendance at this address over forty years ago yet deliberately have not included it in my writing until now, because I remain gratefully open to any means by which Life may be able to assist, as Uranda and the Bible accurately describe fallen humanity, the Children of Men. In recent history, from September of 1932 until the late 1980's an opportunity of significance akin to that presented to humanity by Moses and then by Jesus the Christ was available as the specific means by which Satan and his accomplices could have been addressed in our lifetime ... in a manner Lloyd Meeker/Uranda spoke of as “the easy way”. To a brain numbed, mind controlled humanity masterfully deceived and misled by Satan I recognize this claim sounds preposterous. As Christ said near the end of his public ministry, I also say now founded on my lifetime of experience, “There is much I would share with you, but ye cannot bear it yet.” The “easy way” of ending Satanic dominion over the earth has clearly failed and now it is time for as many as are able to rise up “in great tribulation” and cast Satan, finally and completely, out of heaven (out of our minds, our consciousness) and out of the earth. I present the following for the record.
“If there are not those who are willing ... then the door will slam shut and there will be no other approach for human beings ever, and this being the case, there [will] be no more human beings ever. The only way by which the heart may be purified, enabling the fourth level approach to be made, is as there is the right approach at the third level. Of course it could have been done if there had been the right approach at the first [with Moses] and that had carried through, or if there had been the right approach at the second [with Jesus the Christ] and that had carried through. But neither of them did, and people still have their treasure in relationship to such things, [believing the distorted mythologies of Judaism and Christianity which have devolved from the original True teaching of those spiritual masters] , instead of the treasure in heaven now, in relationship to the breath of life now, that man may be restored to the state of being a living soul instead of a dying soul. So the third level approach [as revealed, taught and led by Lloyd Meeker/Uranda and Lord Martin Exeter/Aumra] is the last call, the last opportunity.”
It may be noted that the Martin Cecil/Exeter, who spoke these words as Bishop of The Emissaries of Divine Light, was also the Seventh Marquess of Exeter, heir to the significant holdings of the Cecil/Exeter/Burghley fortune, which includes the Burghley House Preservation Trust, and a hereditary seat in the British House of Lords.
The founder of the family, William Cecil, First Marquess of Exeter, 1520-1598, was Chancellor of the Exchequer for Queen Elizabeth 1, and played a major role in both appearing to uphold the British monarchy through difficult times and guiding the laying of foundations for what became the British Empire. (The earlier quoted segment from www.henrymakow.com, regarding the deliberate Jewish orchestration of the discarding of Spain, then Holland from the position of apparent global leadership by international Jewry adds insight to this consideration.) The Cecil fortune came in part via the dismantling of the Roman Catholic Church in England, and support of the emerging Protestant Church of England, which presented the secular queen as head of the church. Some fifty prominent families in the current British peerage made their core fortunes five hundred years ago sacking nearly 1,000 years of accumulated wealth and property from the English branch of the Roman Catholic Church. Central among these was William Cecil.
“... Robert Cecil of the Jewish Cecil family that had controlled the British monarchy since a Cecil became the private secretary and lover of Queen Elizabeth I ...” - Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy, p. 201
“These families constitute a financier oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne. They view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium....” - Henry Makow www.savethemales.ca/000447.html
Geneological research reveals the Cecils had come to England in the early 1500's via France, via Sicily, ancestrally as Jewish slaves expelled from Rome as Jerusalem fell in 63 AD, their name spelled variously Sitsilt, Sytsylt, Syssell, Sieile, Cyssell and Cicell. https://familysearch.org/photos/artifacts/3033743, http://www.italian-family-history.com/jewish/Sicilia.html.
I have no doubt William Cecil's Jewish associates contributed significantly to his ability to play his hand so astutely and successfully during an extremely difficult time in Britain's history, out-manoeuvering an attack by the Spanish who in the latter 1500's dispatched their Armada to address what Cecil was helping to orchestrate. He also managed to avoid at least one assassination attempt.
Following William's passing in 1598, two branches of this prominent family continued the Cecil lineage; the Cecils of Burghley House, and the Cecils of Hatfield House. Portraits of heads of these family branches often depict the respective lord, posing with the classic “Hidden Hand” posture, made famous in the well known portrait of Napoleon, one hand hidden under a lapel, or revealing other cabalist/Jewish/Masonic/satanic signs with their hands, representing the hidden nature of their controlling hands back of world affairs.
Digging more deeply, it would be discovered that Conrad O'brien ffrench, friend of Ian Fleming and central role model for Fleming's fictional James Bond character, and high level operative for MI-5, British Intelligence, introduced a young Martin Cecil to Lloyd Meeker aka Uranda, at the Hotel Vancouver, in 1939. Martin took over the leadership of The Emissaries of Divine Light in 1954, following a tragic plane crash which claimed the lives of Lloyd Meeker, his wife Kathy, associate Albert Ackerley and two young children. Yes, in light what has been revealed in this expose of how thoroughly satanists control life on earth, quite a sinister plot involving Lord Martin Exeter and Conrad O'brien ffrench could be projected upon Lloyd Meeker's fledgling ministry.
Yet I knew Lord Martin and Conrad O'brien ffrench personally, and I would like to think, reasonably well. Both served me as outstanding mentors, and helped me understand the satanic Jewish plot when I was yet in my early twenties. Martin arranged with the board of directors of The Emissaries of Divine Light of British Columbia to provide me with a research budget to buy books, communicate with and meet with authors who were exposing the Jewish/Masonic/Jesuit plot against mankind. I may be naive, or hopelessly optimistic, but based upon my close relationship particularly with Lord Martin, I believe he and Conrad were genuinely attempting to address this catastrophic plague in the only way they understood they were able: by inviting and inspiring a growing body of people to align with Spirit, and in intelligent, co-ordinated radiance provide a vibrational control pattern which could in turn provide the foundation essential to effectively address the entrenched satanic control of planet earth. This was the “easy way” Lloyd Meeker/Uranda spoke of in his 1942 address quoted earlier, which clearly has failed, leaving us now in this horrendous time of tribulation.
Just as I was born into a multi-generational Masonic family and was conditioned and trained from infancy to participate in what I understand was to be as significant a role as I could master on Satan's behalf, and chose to leave, to discover what I could of our True Purpose, and be about this, exposing where I thought possible the pervasive satanic Jewish plot against Life itself ... so I believe Martin was born into his extraordinary lineage, and chose to support Life in the way he did, providing leadership via carrying on the work initiated by Lloyd Meeker/Uranda, rather than resting in the material comfort and related agendas provided by his heritage.
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