Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Epilogue 10

Epilogue 10


     Here follow numerous segments from Eustace Mullins brilliant “The Biological Jew” and his “The New History of the Jews”

     Jewish communities have established themselves in gentile nations and remained for hundreds of years without exhibiting any signs of being dangerous to their hosts, but, if the gentile host attempts to dislodge them, they immediately rise to the challenge and bring into play their specialized modifications for remaining upon the host.

     LaPage points out that parasites are naturally inclined to lead a sedentary life, "and undergo the modifications to which this mode of life leads."

     As a result of their parasitic mode of life, the Jewish communities have developed sedentary habits, which in turn have led to certain diseases, directly attributable to this sedentary life, and which had been known for their high incidence among the Jews. Thus diabetes is referred to in many medical dictionaries as "the Jewish disease™.

     Diabetes occurs principally because the sedentary and parasitic life prevents Jews from burning up the excess blood sugars which they ingest in their diet, and which are intended for use as direct forms of energy. This causes a surfeit of sugar in the system, which becomes the disease of diabetes. Also, generations of sedentary persons cause malfunctions or the gradual weakening of the pancreas and other organs which are responsible for controlling the level of blood sugar. Thus, diabetes becomes a hereditary disease among generations of sedentary people.

     The Jewish community has developed a number of degenerative types of diseases, such as blood disorders, cancers of various kinds, and other forms of physical degeneration, which are directly attributable to their mode of parasitic existence, and to the physical degeneracy which it produces. As they cohabit with the gentile community, and as their sedentary mode of life becomes more widely practiced, these degenerative diseases begin to appear throughout the host community.




     In one of the most important physical correlations between the Jewish community and the known types of parasitic organisms in the plant and animal kingdoms, LaPage says:

     "Among other organs which are often reduced or lost when parasitic life is adopted is the nervous system. It may be reduced as a whole or the reduction may affect chiefly the eyes and other organs. Organs of special sense are best developed in active animals which feed upon other animals and need to defend themselves against their enemies. They are not required by parasitic animals which live a relatively sheltered existence on or inside the bodies of their hosts amid a relative abundance of food."

     The effect of a parasitic mode of existence upon the nervous system, which can be observed in many types of parasites, are especially noteworthy in the Jew. The degeneration of the nervous system into a state of severe mental illness in an average of thirty per cent. of all Jews has long been supposed by sociologists to be due to the physical interbreeding in the Jewish community, but the high incidence of mental illness in Jews whose families have intermarried with gentiles is the same rate as those who have remained within the Jewish community.

     This points to a strictly biological origin of this degeneracy of the nervous system, and bears out Professor LaPage's contention that the leading of a parasitic mode of existence inevitably leads to a reduction or a degeneracy of the nervous system.

     Thus the biological parasite has been a problem of man since the dawn of recorded history. Although humans have been aware of the physical discomfort and danger which animal parasites have always presented to him, they have consistently failed to recognize the specific danger of the Jewish parasite until it was too late.

     LaPage says, "The parasitic animal has to contend with difficulties and risks to which non-parasites are not exposed. It may have gained shelter and abundance of food, but it has obtained these at the cost of partial or complete dependence upon its hosts. The parasitic animal must find it and get into it or on its surface and it must maintain itself in these situations."

     Thus the Jew encounters several dangers which do not ordinarily imperil other types of communities. Foremost among these is the danger of genocide, of actions against its community as a group, when the host discovers that its presence is endangering its health. The Jew is the only human group which has repeatedly undergone mass actions, or pogroms, against it.

     When we understand the theory of the parasite, we are able to understand, FOR THE FIRST TIME, the entire modern Socialist school of thought, because we can recognize it for what it is, the environmental psychology which the parasite has developed around his own life cycle. As such, it negates all of the host's thought, goals and culture.

     Other Jews, of great intellectual aspirations, have become writers, transforming our literature into dreary recitals of sexual acts, and making it impossible to publish anything which fails to conform to their standards of depravity. Other intellectual Jews have created a new profession, one so characteristic of them that it is known everywhere as a Jewish profession.

     This is the profession of psychiatry, an outgrowth of the parasite's obsession with the reproductive and excretory habits of the host. What is the basis of the "science" of psychiatry, as it has been formulated by its Jewish founder and patron saint,Sigmund Freud? The basis of psychiatry is the "anal complex™, the theory that an obsession with the anus is the principal influence in our emotional development. Many millions of words have been written on this subject, despite its distasteful connotations, and learned speeches about the anal compulsion are delivered by scholars before the world's learned bodies of distinguished men.




     With the anal complex setting the tasteful tone of the parasite's obsessions, the Jew has gone on to develop other theories about the processes of human excretion. The most important influence in the modern school of progressive education is the science of toilet training, while much of modern art is based, and easily recognizable in its origins, upon the feces complex, or the handling of its stool by the pre-school child.

     Other important contributions of Jewish psychiatric thought, which have been hailed as major intellectual developments of tremendous depth and scope, are too filthy to be repeated here.

     When one contemplates the spectacle of a great hall, filled with well-dressed and well-educated men and women from many countries, who are listening intently, and occasionally applauding, a little Jew in a tuxedo who is delivering a learned dissertation upon the anal and excretory habits of mankind, we realize yet another aspect of the Jew. No matter what he does, the Jew is so fantastic that he becomes a comic figure.

     When the former Premier of France, Mendes-France, announced that his nation was surrendering the huge French investment in Vietnam to the Communists, one hardly knew whether to laugh or cry, so comic was the bulging-eyed black-jowled image of a rag merchant howling "O-o-o-l-l-d-dra-a-a-a-ggz-z-uh-" through the streets.

     The poet Ezra Pound once observed to me that when he began to suggest to people that Jews were exercising undue power in the gentile world, no one took him seriously, because everyone knew that Jews were only clowns. As usual, the Jew used this impression to fix his position upon the gentile host.

     Charlie Chaplin, with his racially characteristic gestures, employed his typically obscene movements to be hailed as a great comic genius by the indefatigable international Jewish claque.

     He made millions of dollars by wagging his behind at the audience, scratching frantically at his buttocks, and exhibiting the usual run of the parasite's age-old preoccupations with the reproductive and the excretory organs.

     In his own right, Sigmund Freud is an even greater comedian than Charlie Chaplin, because the Freudian theories of human behaviour, as the great gentile psychologist, Carl Jung, reminded us, are based upon the biological parasite's enormous misconceptions of the nature of his gentile host, and Freud's theories are even more comical than the gyrations of Charlie Chaplin. Yet we laugh at Chaplin, and study the theories of Freud seriously.




     This is why the Jew MUST control our communications; this is why he MUST control our education; this is why he MUST control our government; and most important, this is why he MUST control our religion. If he fails to do this, in any area, he endangers his continued existence as a biological parasite.

     Even in the Soviet Union, with its idealistic slogan of "From each according to his means; to each according to his needs," the parasite gains control over gentile workers and sets them to producing goods which he sells, and pockets the proceeds.

     Fat Jews and their blond mistresses stroll from their luxurious villas on the Black Sea, while intense, dogmatic gentile commissars such as Mikhail Suslov sit in the Kremlin trying desperately to devise a system which the Jew cannot twist to his own advantage. They cannot succeed, because the parasite has always thought one step ahead of them.




     Primitive man sometimes drank the blood of fallen foes as a symbol of victory, and to absorb some of the strength of the enemy, but another blood-drinking practice, that of ritual murder, is the only one which has survived into modern times. This religious ceremony of drinking the blood of an innocent gentile child is basic to the Jew's entire concept of his existence as a parasite, living off of the blood of the host. That is why he refuses to abandon this custom, even though it has brought him close to extinction many times.

     When the Jew can no longer symbolize his role by kidnapping a perfectly formed gentile child, spiriting him away to a synagogue, and ritually puncturing his body in the places which they boasted they had wounded the Body of Christ, and drinking the blood of the dying child, then, according to Jewish belief, he is doomed. His prophets have warned him that when this custom can no longer be observed, the Jewish parasite's hold onto the host will be loosened, and he will be cast off.

     Even though this ceremony is so horrible that most Jews refuse to participate in it, and all of them deny its practice, it still remains the final method by which the Jewish leaders signify and retain their control over this people. Should they abandon the practice of ritual murder, perhaps there would be a possibility that the Jew could be weaned away from his historical role as a biological parasite, and become a constructive member of the gentile community, turning his back upon a record of five thousand years of bloodshed, treachery and murder, which is his entire history. We say perhaps, because we do not know.




     A gentile government which had as its concern the health of the nation would convict the Jewish parasite and cast him off. This has happened hundreds of times in recorded history.

     Therefore, the Jew knows that his first task, upon arriving in a gentile community, is to subvert and take over its government, and to paralyse the people with subtle injections of poison, so that they become helpless and unable to defend themselves. Thus, the Jew begins agitation to set up a "progressive™ government, also known as a "popular front", a "democratic" government, a "people's" government, a "liberal™ government, and all of these are synonyms for the Jewish government, which will protect the presence of the parasite and guard it against the anger of the exploited gentiles.

     When he has set up this government, usually by subversion, the Jew sets out to exterminate all of the former gentile leaders, whom he reviles as "reactionaries", that is, those who might react against the presence of the parasite. First, they are prevented from engaging in any gainful employment. Then they and all members of their families have their landholdings, bank accounts and other assets confiscated. Finally, after extensive agitation against them, the Jew arouses the populace against them and they are hunted down and killed, because they might be able to set up a "reactionary" government if they are allowed to survive. Thus the Jew has introduced the blood-thirsty custom of genocide, or extermination of groups, into world affairs.

     Now, does not this sound familiar, the confiscation of assets, the mass murders? Oh, yes, Russia, 1917, the victory of the Bolsheviks, the carrying out of Marx's program of Communism, when a government which believed in the principle of "solidarity" was installed to enslave the gentile Russian people.

     The Czar and his wife and children were murdered in cold blood, because the biological Jew is not concerned with chivalry in his struggle to maintain control over the gentile host.

     We have only to read the sadistic Book of Esther in the Bible to see the Jewish custom of mass murder exposed in detail.




     Ask any American college graduate—"What is the greatest evil which has ever existed upon this earth?" He will reply very promptly, and energetically, "Nazism!"

     He gives this answer because it is what he has been taught. In fact, it is all he has been taught, and it is the sole result of four years of higher education. Do not ask him WHY Nazism is the greatest evil that has ever been known, because he does not know. You will only perplex and confuse him, and make him angry at you, because he does not know the WHY of anything. He has only been indoctrinated with conditioned responses, he is repeating the lesson which has been drummed into him until he has learned it by heart, at the hands of his Jewish and shabez goi professors. In all of the hundreds of books which have been written about Nazism, you will not find a definition of what Nazism is. This is quite understandable.

     The Jews do not want anyone to know what Nazism is. Nazism is simply this — a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews. The gentile host dared to protest against the continued presence of the parasite, and attempted to throw it off. It was an ineffectual reaction, because it was emotional and ill-informed, as were all the gentile reactions which preceded it for five thousand years. And how futile it all was, because today, Jewish bankers own sixty per cent. of German industry, and their holdings are protected by the occupation army of America.




     Since the parasite is smaller and weaker than the host, he must control it principally by guile. And because he is outnumbered, he must depend upon active agents among the gentiles. Once he has destroyed the host people's native leadership, he creates a new ruling class, a group recruited from the weakest and the most depraved of the gentiles. This class becomes known as "the new class", and it is composed of the government officials, the educators, the judges and lawyers, and the religious leaders. This "new class" is known to the Jew as his shabez goi, or his "Sabbath gentile cattle".

     The creation of the shabez goi class provides that the Jewish religion is basically a ritualization of the parasite's techniques for controlling the host. A key tenet of the Jewish religion is that he must not perform the slightest task on his Sabbath.

     He cannot begin his religious service until the candles are lit, but his religion forbids him to light the candles, because this would be work. He must find a gentile to light the candle for him. This gentile is called a "shabez goi". Thus, the Jewish religion cannot be enacted until the Jew finds a gentile to do his work for him.* The Jewish religion also forbids the Jew to work for a gentile, although it is permitted for short periods of time if the Jew finds it necessary to take such a position during the period he is plotting to steal the gentile's business from him!

     Those gentiles who become shabez goi for the Jews lead comfortable lives at the expense of their fellows, but they can never overcome their shame, regardless of how wealthy and powerful the Jews make them. The exploiting class which the Jews create from the most servile and contemptible of the gentiles are the most despicable human beings who have ever infested the earth. Although they comprise the educated and moneyed classes in a host nation which has fallen prey to the Jewish parasites, the shabez goi wretches never lead happy lives. In the United States, we find that the gentile bankers, judges, college presidents and leaders of religious denominations whose mission is to parrot in Pavlov, trained-dog fashion every whim of the Jews, are also the people who have the highest rates of alcoholism, the highest rate of divorce, the highest rate of suicide, and the highest rate of juvenile delinquency among their children.




     As the high priests of the shabez goi wretches, the Supreme Court gave official status to every demand of the Communist inspired mobs in 1954, when it ruled that all schools must be integrated. No other single decision of the Supreme Court has ever plunged the nation into such chaos. Americans stood appalled as armies of American soldiers marched into American cities, bayoneting and shooting white citizens who tried to claim their rights. But, a decade later, when we saw American soldiers again marching into American cities, it was to protect the Negro mobs who were looting and burning with impunity!

     Now, in 1945, as we have mentioned, the United States stood pre-eminent in the world, as the new Rome. But in 1955, Russia was well on her way towards re-establishing herself as a world power, while the United States was weaker than it had been in 1945! And in 1965, the pendulum had already swung in favor of Russia, for in this decade, the Soviet agents had successfully implemented a full scale race war in the United States, and had also succeeded in committing American soldiers to the endless holocaust of an Asiatic land war.

     Caught in a man for man struggle with Asia's teeming billions, the United States would slowly bleed to death while Russia daily grew stronger, without losing a man. And Russia, at home, was calm, while the United States was drawn into a race war, the government was paralyzed, the educational system was paralyzed, and the American people had not a single representative who would defend their interests.




     The riots which have devastated American cities for three years and left entire sections in smoking ruins, remarkably akin to the destruction which Jewish-directed bombers had visited upon the cities of France and Germany a few years ago, had their initial inspiration in the writings of a little black hustler in a pamphlet called "The Fire Next Time". It was published in a house organ of the Jewish parasites, the New Yorker Magazine, and later issued as a book.

     In this work, James Baldwin promised that the Negroes would burn down America's cities. Baldwin has long been familiar as a housebroken pet of the Jewish parasites, and he lived for two decades on the liberal outpourings which they gave him from various tax-exempt foundations. Some grants were made in return for his favors, others were made to encourage his revolutionary activities, but none of these awards could be said to have been a sincere appreciation of his feeble literary talent.

     Since the fires started, he has prudently remained in Paris, snickering at a series of gay parties on the Left Bank while America's cities are devastated by the black mobs who consider him their inspiration. In his interviews, which are always prominently displayed in the New York Times, he refers to the United States as "the Fourth Reich", an "in™ joke among the parasites.




     At 3:15 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, Mayor Washington had the instructions to the National Guard read over Television Stations WTOP and WTTG. He assured the looters that "1. The soldiers were carrying unloaded weapons and that they would be allowed to load and fire only after being given written permission from a superior officer, and 2. that the soldiers and police had been ordered to show every possible courtesy to the looters." With this reassurance, the rioters stepped up their activity, and the riot spread to Baltimore, where the same conditions were in effect. Mayor Washington's instructions resulted in another wild night of looting and burning.

     Five hundred and fifty-eight buildings were burned to the ground in the city of Washington after being looted, at a cost of eighty million dollars' worth of goods stolen and ten million dollars in property damage.

     As one rioter explained, when interviewed by a television cameraman while he had his arms filled with hundreds of dollars' worth of expensive clothing, "Man, it's wonderful! They can't bother us because we got a soul brother up there!"




     The churches in the United States play a vital role in providing "sanctuary" for the Communist plotters, raising money for the demonstrations, and serving meals to the rioters, who are too busy with their work of planned disruption to be concerned with providing food for themselves.

     Dedicated Marxist organizers, who probe for every weakness in the community with all the skill of highly trained surgeons, have long recognized that the churches and the air of piety provide the ideal cover for their revolutionary operations. Infiltrating the church groups is no problem, because they are already wracked with dissension over theological matters, and the administration is composed of college-educated persons who have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the proven shabez goi techniques for controlling the gentile masses.

     Thus, Communists infiltrate the seminaries (Josef Stalin began his revolutionary activities as a student priest), and with the aid of other Communists, they rise to positions of command in all the religious denominations.

     We have already pointed out that the host people, in some five thousand years, has never been able to dislodge the Jewish parasites through the common biological reactions of panic, anger and violence.

     Because of their inability to dislodge the parasites, in every case, the gentile community had gone down a dark road to oblivion. The records are there for anyone to see. Despite the falsification of history on an enormous scale, despite the destruction of libraries for thousands of years, the Jews have not been able to eradicate the records of their misdeeds.

     Most of the records that have survived are now classified as "rare books", and they are hidden away from the public in special archives. These records are made available only to Jewish-approved scholars who can be depended on not to reveal what they find out. Even so, we know the history of the Jews.

     We know that Babylon was a great civilization, that Babylon became host to a sizeable Jewish community, and that Babylon was destroyed. We know that Egypt was a great civilization, that Egypt became host to a sizeable Jewish community, and that Egypt was destroyed. We know that Rome was a great civilization, that Rome became host to a sizeable Jewish community, and that Rome was destroyed. We know that England had a great Empire, that England became host to a sizeable Jewish community, and the British Empire vanished in a few decades. Whether or not this is a simple coincidence which reappears throughout the history of mankind, we should remember that the United States has a sizeable Jewish community.

     Why is it that the Jews destroy a gentile nation once they gain control of it? This too is a natural process. One cannot expect that the parasite can successfully administer the affairs of the host, even if it wishes to do so. The Jew does not wish to do so because his first concern is his own security. He must remain attached to the host, and everything else, including the future of the host, is sacrificed to this goal. Even though he exercises complete mastery over the host, the Jewish parasite can never feel secure.

     His own health depends entirely upon the gentile host, and for this reason, the Jew develops a terrible, irrational hatred of the host. The Jewish Holy Book, the Talmud, is filled with wild imprecations against the gentiles and against the Christ who offered to lead them to salvation, and to save them from the Jew. So vile are these expressions that when the gentile community learns of them, they rise against the Jews.

     These expressions of hatred, however, are biological manifes tations, rather than genuine hatred. The Jew hates the gentile because the host is all that the parasite can never be; self-sustaining, able to defend itself against physical enemies through strength rather than through cunning, and able to accept salvation of the soul. The Jew can be none of these things. Therefore, every Jewish gathering expresses contempt for the gentile cattle, the goyim.

     The Jew regards the gentile people as cattle in the field, to be slaughtered for harvest. And if they are beasts in the field, what is the Jew but a manure-eating fly which perches on the backs of the cattle? This too, the Jew knows, and if he has contempt and hatred for the gentile cattle, he has even greater contempt and hatred for his own kind. No gentile can understand what rudeness is until he hears Jews addressing one another.

     When a rabbi was shot down recently while holding services in a Detroit temple, it was no anti-Semitic gentile who did the deed, but another Jew unable to stand the sight of his own kind.

     The Jew, then, regards his gentile host with terrible mixed feelings of hatred, envy and contempt. He feels this way, and yet he knows that his own-well being depends upon the host. This sets up a strange dichotomy in the Jewish mind which often results in violent schizophrenia, that is, a split personality and hopeless insanity.

     On the one hand, the Jew wants to destroy the hateful gentile body on which he depends; on the other hand, he knows that it is suicidal for him to do so. Because of this schizophrenia in the Jew who has become master of the gentile destiny, he leads the gentile community into wild ventures.

     Often he brings great prosperity, but only for a short time, and through reckless waste, such as the wilful destruction of natural resources, suicidal ventures into foreign wars, and debauching the young people so that they are unable to raise healthy families.

     In all of recorded history, there was only one civilization which the Jews could not destroy. Because of this, they have given it the silent treatment. Few American college graduates with a Ph.D degree could tell you what the Byzantine Empire was. It was the Empire of East Rome, set up by Roman leaders after the Jews had destroyed Rome.

     This empire functioned in Constantinople for twelve hundred years, the longest duration of any empire in the history of the world. Throughout the history of Byzantium, as it was known, by imperial edict, no Jew was allowed to hold any post in the Empire, nor was he allowed to educate the young.

     The Byzantine Empire finally fell to the Turks after twelve centuries of prosperity, and the Jews have attempted to wipe out all traces of its history.

     Yet its edicts against the Jews were not cruel; in fact, the Jews lived unmolested and prosperously in the empire throughout its history, but here alone the vicious cycle of host and parasite did not take place.

     It was a Christian civilization, and the Jews were not able to exercise any influence. Nor did the Orthodox priests bewilder their congregations with any vicious lies about Christ being a Jew. No wonder the Jews want to eradicate the memory of such a culture.

     It was Ezra Pound who launched upon a study of Byzantine civilization, and who reminded the world of this happily non-Jewish land.


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Epilogue 36

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