Epilogue 20
From the article: “The Trump administration is now openly supporting Isis and bombing Assad’s troops in Syria on behalf of Israel.” comment by Pat, darkmoon.me 16/6/17
“Continuing a decades old policy… Trump, who supports Chabad, is helping Putin – a Chabad sup- porter – take control in the Mideast to further Russian oligarch control there….. and promote Chabad Noahide Law. – The aim of Zionist-Marxist Russia and Zionist-Marxist Israel and Zionist-Marxist US–IS – to PREVENT peace between the Arab countries and Israel until all the Arab countries are forced to adopt socialism-communism under Russian leadership..!!
The New York – Moscow – Tel Aviv Triangle has been in play for more than 70 years..!! Israel and the Russians are ideological allies—both follow the ideas of Marx, so both are communist-socialist.
Yet, the Russians supplied military equipment to the Arabs—Israel’s enemies; and at the same time, Russia’s FAKE enemy, the United States, was arming Israel. Now US is OPENLY supporting ISIS to disrupt the whole area for ‘Put-On’ to get stronger there. To understand the treachery which Zionist-Bolshevik Pharisee-Jews utilize, and to understand the treachery which is used, people must know about the New York-Moscow-Tel Aviv Triangle.
A heavy migration of Jews from Russia to America started in 1831. Most of these were communist Pharisee-Jews. So many of these communist-Bolshevik Pharisee-Jews settled in New York City that it has been referred to as ‘Moscow on the Hudson’. Most major decisions regarding communist policies come not from Moscow, but from New York City. There is a close tie between the Zionist-Bolshevik Pharisee-Jews in New York City and the Zionist-Bolshevik Pharisee-Jews in Moscow, and extending to include the Zionist-Bolshevik Pharisee-Jews who dominate Israel’s government.
The Zionist power over the US Government in Washington, DC stems from the Zionist-Bolsheviks centered in New York City. It is from New York that orders go out to the vast Zionist network all over the US. It is a network that influences the economic and political affairs of the US government, and all state governments, and the governments of the larger and even medium sized cities. This power of the Zionist-Bolshevik Pharisee-Jews over the US makes the New York leg of the New York-Moscow-Tel Aviv Triangle a tremendous influence over communist policies.
The New York Federal Reserve Bank holds the main power in the private central banking system in the US. A PACT sealed the agreements in 1949. Representing Israel, Ambassador Golda Meir, a Bolshevik Pharisee-Jewess, met with two representatives of the Soviet Union: Kaganovich, a Bolshevik Pharisee-Jew and Stalin who had married a Bolshevik Pharisee-Jewess. They made a secret agreement—a pact.
1. Israel would not allow any Western country, especially the US to build military bases on Israeli territory.
2. Israel would allow an official communist party to function freely in Israel.
3. Israel would not make any agreement to solve the Palestinian problem.
4. Israel would influence world Jewry, especially in the US to have Western Powers adopt a policy of favoring Israel over the Arabs.
5. Israel was to continue its Marxist economic policies and prevent any free-enterprise tendencies.
1. The Soviets would institute a pro-Arab policy solely as a camouflage for its true intention, which was to furnish aid to the Arabs, but never enough to enable the Arabs to destroy Israel.
2. The Soviets would open the gates of Soviet satellite countries to Jewish immigration to Israel. Should this be insufficient, Soviet Russia then would open its own gates to immigration.
3. The Soviets would absolutely guarantee the security of Israel.
** Both the Soviet Union and Israel would exchange intelligence reports.
From the terms of this pact, you can see it was, and still is, the aim of Russia and Zionist-Marxist Israel, aided by the US supporting ISIS, to prevent peace between the Arab countries and Israel until all the Arab countries are forced to adopt socialism under Russian leadership.”
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