Wednesday 21 July 2021




     The material expressed in this book represents a lifetime of documented research and personal experience and reveals the widely available understanding of numerous intelligent and respected voices current and historic, from Cicero to Henry Ford, from Martin Luther to Mahatma Gandhi, to John F. Kennedy, Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, Nesta Webster, Archibald Ramsay, Charles Lindberg, Edith Starr Miller, Elizabeth Dilling, Douglas Reed, David Irving, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Benjamin Freedman, Eustace Mullins, Juri Lina, E. Michael Jones, Dr. David Duke, Kevin MacDonald, Michael Collins Piper, Wilmot Robertson, Arthur Topham, Ernst Zundel, Robert Faurisson, Fred Leuchter, Carlos W. Porter, Thomas Goodrich, Ursula Haverbeck, General George Patton, Lloyd Meeker, Martin Exeter, James Churchward, Immanuel Velikovsky and countless others.

     I offer this vital information now because, though evidence of what is presented in these few pages pervades our lives and threatens our very existence, simultaneously denial of its existence and of its source pervades popular awareness and cripples mankind's ability to address this condemning, possibly terminal affliction.

     Sadly, now in March 2017, Amazon, the worldś largest online book distributor, has terminated the sale and distribution of the works of some of these authors, indicative of a global crackdown on freedom of information well underway, specifically targeting the Truth regarding human history and the human condition past and present.

     Those responsible for the destruction of ancient sacred records by burning the magnificent library in Alexandria 3,000 years ago proceed to do the same today, unhindered by a global population asleep to their demonic machinations.

     This book serves as laser eye surgery for any open to the procedure, cutting scales of blindness from the eyes, allowing clarity of vision, of awareness, to see and truly understand the scope of human denial and deception which produces the blindness which has long been destroying Life on this sacred planet.

     Every civilization throughout recorded history reaching back into the mists of ancient time has arrived at a zenith similar to what is currently unfolding on our beleaguered planet, and has self-destructed.

     This is the result of the absolute refusal of those who, throughout history and continuing today, secretly, deceptively mislead humanity while hiding in plain view on the world stage.

     These who self-righteously impose their will upon an unsuspecting humanity refuse to align with Life, refuse to allow the very source of all life omnipresent throughout the universe, Spirit, to govern their lives.

     The current hideous state of life on earth also clearly reveals how successful the pervasive hypnotic deception spun by these charlatans is, apparent to any with the eyes to see, upon the mesmerized, traumatized, catatonic, unconscious majority of sleep-walking humanity.

     In the subconscious of each individual, and in the collective unconscious of humankind, both in those who lead and in those who naively follow, subterranean patterns propel us all to destruction.

     By the hour it becomes more blatantly clear that beyond the best of intentions, humanity is a blood drenched, demonic horror on this sacred blue marble, spiraling through universal space.

     Why? What is going on? In these few pages as best I am able, I offer this contribution to help humanity, both the leaders and the led, waken from slumber.

     Mark Twain wisely observed that, “What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know, it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so!”

     I ask you to relax your grip on theories and beliefs which have become so widely embraced they are now considered fact.

     I will ask this of you many times over, in numerous categories of consideration.

     If you are not prepared to have your foundational beliefs challenged, even carefully dismantled, stop reading now.

     Only if you are truly willing to think for yourself rather than follow the common habit of regurgitating programmed material claiming it to be “your thought”, should you proceed.

     In these few pages lies fundamental to The Matrix of Global Mind Control are exposed, lies which currently enslave mankind and are soon to fully enforce Hell on earth.

     I also ask that you read the material from beginning to end, in total, and not skip around nibbling samples which will invariably be judged, based upon your current “conditioning”.

     The material presented builds genuine understanding in a deliberate progression.

     Cognitive dissonance, hysterical blindness, trauma induced mind control and all such reactive patterns symptomatic of the human condition tend to deny Truth and elicit the juvenile reaction of wanting to kill the messenger.

     Please be aware of this habituated reactive function and allow what I present here to help you waken from mass mind control, begin to grasp humanity's real history, understand what is factually underway now and proceed to consciously embrace your rightful position as a spiritually aligned steward of Life on this sacred planet.

     Life now presents humanity with its final opportunity to re-align with its very source, Spirit, and allow a new Golden Age to appear, or to perish.

     Sadly, beyond somnolent cultural denial our circumstance IS this DIRE.

     To enter this intended next great cycle requires that we address “shadow” as it exists in the hearts and minds of each one now incarnate, and in humanity collectively.

     The rabbit hole we must consciously enter and resolve is deeper and more convoluted than most can imagine.

     In its depths, as Alice discovered going through the looking glass in Alice in Wonderland, the world indeed gets turned upside down and backwards.

     If humanity does not waken to its immediate catastrophic plight and rise to address what is outlined in what follows, and these who deceptively mislead humanity don't waken from their catatonic insanity and return to serving Spirit, this sacred planet will be condemned to unfortunate devastating events in the very near future.

     Keep Mark Twain's clever observation in mind as we continue. “Cheer up. Things could be worse” is a commonly expressed, placating social wisdom.

     The punch line, “So I cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse”, beyond the sardonic humour is very often true.

     Why? Primarily because a stunningly vast “conspiracy” exists on planet Earth, a conspiracy SO VAST it is beyond the comprehension of most human beings.

     When a fleet of Spanish galleons approached South America a few centuries ago the Aztec and Inca did not see the vessels laden with conquistadors soon to slaughter them, because the sight was so unlike their prevailing patterns of belief their consciousness denied otherwise clearly present reality.

     Despite their culturally induced blindness those denied galleons soon imposed their harsh reality upon the native peoples, just as what I present in what follows, though beyond habituated belief, is very real and poses FAR GREATER danger!

     As we awaken to current reality beyond cultural denial, we discover our food, air, water, monetary system, technology, health care, medication, education, news, entertainment et cetera is ALL DELIBERATELY DESIGNED TO BOTH ENSLAVE AND TO KILL US.

     This has been carefully planned to simultaneously, sadistically generate profit for demonic social engineers and those who direct them.

     If we are curious and brave enough to step beyond the blinders of cultural denial, we will want to discover why this is taking place and who is perpetrating it.

     Beyond The Corporations, Bankers, Politicians, The Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, etc. the next level of answer is “Psychopaths”.

     Research , the study of psychopathology, the genesis of evil, and the seminal work of Robert Hare Phd., author of Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us , to explore this rabbit hole further.

     An estimated two to four per cent of the global population ... 140,000,000 to 280,000,000, One Hundred Forty to Two Hundred Eighty Million People ... are cunning, self-serving psychopaths.

     Additionally an estimated 4% of the US population are sociopaths, and 15% of the US population are “almost psychopaths”. -

     The remaining majority are viewed by these “almost humans” as suckers in their heartless game of abuse and slaughter.

     These developmentally stunted aberrants have no compassion and no morals whatsoever.

     Unable to feel, they feign “feelings”, see the rest of humanity as stupid prey for their abuse, and act solely for their self-advantage.

     If we're inquisitive and brave we'll continue asking “who?” and “why?”.

     This brings us to the thoroughly misunderstood, meticulously hidden existence of Satanism, far different from what is conceived by Fundamentalists, most Christians, indeed most everyone on the planet.

     This meticulously disguised, human sacrificing, blood drinking treachery includes another estimated 1.5% of the global population, or 110,000,000 ... One Hundred Ten Million People.

     The true number is unknown to any but the Satanists themselves.

     Their endless traumatizing horror, which includes ritual human sacrifice, hideous torture and abuse designed to split the psyche into multiple personalities and force the victims/slaves out of body, provides an overflowing fountainhead of mind controlled satanists, psychopaths and slaves crafted to ceaselessly subvert humanity.

     With deeper study this genuinely answers the “Who?” question.

     There is far more to this than is normally misunderstood.




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