Epilogue 12
The Oriental Institute of Chicago contains one of the world's definitive collections of the fine arts, specializing in Egyptian, Syrian and other cultures of the Near East, in the area which the Jews claim as their origin. One would expect to find the Jewish contribution to civilization well represented here. After walking through vast halls filled with great works of art, splendid statues, exquisite jewels, and other artefacts from the tombs of Egyptian and Assyrian conquerors, we come to the Jewish exhibit. Here is a glass case filled with broken bits of clay pots, crude, undecorated, and unglazed utensils which might have come down to us from the Stone Age. This is the great Jewish culture about which we have heard so much. It is all that they have to offer.
The fact is that the Jews were known only as destroyers in the ancient world. They produced no art, founded no dynasties, built no great cities, and, alone of ancient peoples, had no talent for the finer things of civilized life. Is this not at variance with the Jewish claim that they, and they alone, are the sole torchbearers of civilization?
It is also a fact that the Jews, who were not always successful bandits, eked out a precarious living in Palestine, and they were often on the verge of starvation. Their diet consisted chiefly of coarse barley cakes, and the story of Esau, who sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, is typical of their poverty. The pottage was simply a bowl of lentil soup, yet Esau was glad to sell his birthright for it.
Although racial distinctions were not maintained in Egypt, the Jews alone held themselves apart. They soon rose to high positions in the land of the Pharaohs, and simultaneously, as was to happen in so many other countries, the empire began to disintegrate.
Gangs of bandits in the outposts of the empire grew bolder; they seemed to know just when to strike, and which of the towns were poorly guarded. At the same time, the empire began to decay from within. Its leadership became apathetic, and the morale of the people was undermined.
One of the great sources of the history of this period is the Tel El Amarna Letters, written by the governor of an outlying province. The discovery and translation of these letters opened an entire new era of Egyptology. It also revealed the destructive effect of the Jews.
These letters are filled with pleas for help and addressed to a seemingly deaf Pharaoh. They describe the raids of the Habiru and the impossibility of defending the border towns any longer. Perhaps the Pharaoh never received the letters; perhaps he was too busy listening to his Jewish Prime Minister, who was interpreting his dreams for him. We do not know exactly what happened, but we do know that the empire fell.
This, in Letter No. 76, the governor says, "Behold, he (Abdi-Ashirta, a Habiru bandit chieftain), has now mustered all amelut gaz against Sigata and Ambi."
The governor meant that a great alliance of bandits and cutthroats was menacing the empire. Amelut gaz was synonymous in ancient Egyptian with amu and sa-gaz, and amu was the word by which the Egyptians often referred to the Hebrews. Amelut gaz meant, 'the Jewish bandits'. Sayce tells us that "the Egyptian equivalent of Hebrew is amu."
One of the great sources of Egyptology is Manetho's History of Egypt. He describes the downfall of the empire as follows:
"A people of ignoble origin from the East, who had the audacity to invade the country, which they mastered by main force, without difficulty or even a battle."
Although incredible, this happened again and again in the ancient world. How did it happen to the most powerful empire ever known? It has already happened in Babylon. The Jews paved the way for the conquerors. These conquerors of Egypt were the Hyksos, or Shepherd Kings, who won Egypt without a battle and maintained an iron dictatorship over the people for 511 years.
Some scholars believe that the Hyksos were the Jews, because the Egyptian word amu is occasionally used to refer to the Hyksos, although in most papyri it refers to the Jews. This confusion existed even among some of the later Egyptian historians of the Hyksos period, and it came about because the Jews, who had opened the gates of the land to the conquerors, became a favored minority during their rule. Manetho says, "The Hyksos were known as the protectors of the Jews."
During this 511 year period, the Jews were princes in Egypt, taking what they wanted from the enslaved Egyptians, and incurring their enmity by their vicious arrogance over the betrayed population. At last, the native leaders of the Egyptians led a successful revolt, and expelled the Hyksos forever. Manetho writes that after the Hyksos were driven out, the Egyptians punished the Jews for their treachery, and enslaved them for life at hard labor.
This brings us to the period of Moses, when the Jews were complaining about their hard lot in Egypt. Before they betrayed the nation to the Hyksos, they had enjoyed every freedom in Egypt, and it was only natural that they should be punished for their treason. Rather than endure this slavery, they petitioned the Pharaoh to let them return to Palestine, and, resume their life of nomadic banditry.
But the outraged Egyptian people demanded that they serve out their punishment, and the Pharaoh was forced to agree. Now the Jews used every device to obtain their freedom, bringing plagues upon the Egyptian people through the use of poisons and contaminating the water. They were finally allowed to depart from Egypt.
Although these are the facts of the Jewish sojourn in Egypt, a sordid record of treachery and destruction, these facts are related here for the first time in English, although these sources have been known for centuries.
The true origin of the Jews, and the definition of Habiru and sa-gaz as it describes the nature of this people, have long been known to Biblical scholars. Why did they deliberately withhold all mention of the fact that throughout the ancient world, the Jews were known and feared as cutthroats and bandits?
First of all, they believed the Jewish lie that Christ was a Jew. If they published their findings, about the origin of the Jews, they would be identifying Christ as a descendant of bloodthirsty outlaws. Obviously, this could not be true. Consequently, they omitted all references to Habiru and sa-gaz from their works.
Literally thousands of scholars have withheld this vital information in the thousands of books published about ancient history during past centuries. Now we must re-evaluate the entire history of the early civilizations in the light of what we know about the Jews.
In plain words, Hebrew was simply the Yiddish of the ancient world, a polyglot jargon which the Jews used in their underworld activities. Thus another Jewish lie is exploded. And the great literature supposedly written in this language is another myth, with no basis in fact.
The Gospels of the New Testament, so most Biblical scholars tell us, were written in Greek, rather than in Hebrew.
Jewish writers admit that most of the "Hebrew™ writings were merely taken freely from Babylonian and Egyptian sources.
The Psalms, supposedly a series of great Hebrew poems, were taken word for word from Akhenaton's Hymns to the Sun, written 600 years earlier in Egypt.
Horace Meyer Kallen, a professor at the Jewish New School of Social Research, says that the Book of Job was lifted bodily from an early and obscure Greek play.
Velikovsky admits that there are "many parallels" between the Vedic Hymns and the Books of Joel and Isaiah.
The Decalogue was taken wholly from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
And so on, throughout the entire list of "great Jewish writings."
Yet the students of our universities know nothing about all this. They accept without question the statements of their professors (who are mostly Jews, nowadays), the myth of the great Hebrew language and the great Hebrew literature.
The fact is that the Jews, entirely lacking in creative talent of any kind, stole literature just as they stole everything else from the peoples who tolerated them.
How does one reconcile the historian of the Jews, Kastein, with his definition of Palestine as "an insignificant little state," with the scholars and professors in our modern universities who tell their students that the Jews had the greatest civilization ever known to man?
The fact is that there has never been a Jewish civilization. There have been only infections of healthy civilizations by Jewish parasitic growths, which infections have always proved fatal to their hosts.
Typical was the fate of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar, the mightiest ruler of the ancient world, had received many complaints about the Jewish bandits operating in Palestine that he marched against them. The Babylonian armies pursued the Jews relentlessly into the deserts and wildernesses until they had killed or captured all of them. This took place in the year 586 B.C.
As was customary at that time, Nebuchadnezzar took the survivors home with him as slaves. These 30,000 Jewish captives were settled in the Babylonian Empire and they were allowed to form their own settlements.
The Jewish historian Gerson Cohen, writes that "Many a locality in Babylon had an exclusively Jewish population."
Within less than five decades, Babylon was no more. Despite the freedom they enjoyed, the Jews began to plot the overthrow of the empire. At that time, Cyrus, leader of the Persians, wished to attack Babylon and seize its riches, but he knew that his army was not strong enough. Jewish emissaries came to him and declared that they were willing to open the gates for him. At first,
Cyrus suspected a trap, and he is said to have put the first such Jewish messenger to death, but the Jews later convinced him that they were sincere. They asked in return that he restore to them their land in Palestine.
In the year 539 B.C., the army of Cyrus appeared before Babylon. On page 65, The History of the Jews, Kastein says, "The conquest of Babylon was achieved without difficulty; the city fell without a fight."
What a coincidence! That is exactly what Manetho wrote about the fall of Egypt to the Hyksos invaders. There was no battle.
Although ancient history is filled with accounts of long and desperate battles between nations and sieges of cities which lasted for many years, when a city had a significant Jewish community, these battles did not seem to take place.
No doubt the Jews did not wish to see their homes and businesses damaged by an attack.
Kastein continues on page 65, The History of the Jews, "The Jews welcomed Cyrus with open arms."
Here is another theme which is repeated throughout the history of the Jews. In every nation which falls without a struggle, the Jews rush out to welcome the invaders.
Kastein tells us that Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to their own country, but many of them preferred to remain in Babylon. Under the protection of Cyrus, the Jews were allowed to despoil the natives of Babylon, and what riches Cyrus did not carry off to Persia became the property of the Jews.
Consequently, the Jews formed a wealthy and powerful ruling class in Babylon, and they devoted their time and money to formulating a Jewish ethic, which was written down as the Babylonian Talmud.
In the English edition, published in London in 1935 as the Soncino Talmud, Rabbi Hertz says, page X X I , "When we come to the Babylonian Gemara, we are dealing with what most people understand when they speak or write of the Talmud. Its birthplace, Babylonia, was an autonomous Jewish centre for a longer period than any other land; namely, from soon after 586 before the Christian era to the year 1040 after the Christian era—1626 years."
Note that Rabbi Hertz proudly states that after being conquered by Cyrus, Babylonia became an autonomous, or self-governing Jewish centre! No statement could be more revealing of the role played by the Jews in betraying the nation to Cyrus.
Not only did the Jews take over the Babylonian Empire, they also went home with Cyrus and formed large colonies in Persia.
Max Radin, in "The Jews among the Greeks and Romans," says page 61, "The virtual autonomy of the Persian period allowed the development of a well-organized ruling class of priests, the Soferim or Scribes, men learned in the law, who had no definite priestly functions."
What Radin does not tell us is that these scribes were not priests, they were the rulers of the autonomous Jewish community.
It was Scribes of this type who met to condemn Jesus Christ to be crucified.
Thus one finds that the Jews did not exclude anyone from their gang who could accept the barbarous Law of Moses, [not the true teachings of Moses, for the Satanists destroyed his teachings too] an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
As an international underworld, the Jew needed one irrefutable sign of recognition, a physical password which would identify at once those who were with them. This identification, one on which the Jews have always insisted for this very reason, was that of circumcision. Not only did it identify those who were active Jews, but it also identified those gentiles whom the Jews had enslaved; it was the badge of Jewry.
Consequently, as the Jews rose to power in the Roman Empire, and began to possess many slaves, the first thing they did was to circumcise their gentile slaves as the badge of possession.
In his "History of the Jews," Kastein says, page 192, "To the Jews, Rome constituted the quintessence of all that was odious and should be swept away from off the face of the earth. They hated Rome and her device, arma et leges, with an inhuman hatred. True, Rome had leges, laws, like the Jews. But in their very resemblance lay their difference; for the Roman laws were merely the practical application of the arma, the arms. . . but without the arms, the leges were empty formulae."
In this extraordinary paragraph, Kastein admits the feeling which the Jewish parasite always feels for the gentile host, "an inhuman hatred". So terrible is this hatred that the most important thing for the Jew is to mask his feelings. Consequently, he always appears bearing an olive branch. His first word is "Shalom or Peace". It is this necessity to conceal his true feelings which leads the Jew to conduct his affairs and his meetings in secret.
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