Epilogue 13
At the dawn of civilization, the blood rite, in which human blood is drunk from the body of a still-living victim, was known to many tribes. However, only one people, that has never progressed beyond the Stone Age, has continued to practice the blood rite and ritual murder. This people is the Jews.
We have already noted that Arnold Toynbee, a noted scholar, has called the Jews "a fossil people". In so doing, he must have been aware of the fact that they still practice ritual murder and the drinking of human blood. As a scholar, he could not have failed to note the many attested incidents of this practice of the Jews, for hundreds of examples of ritual murder by the Jews are cited in official Catholic books, in every European literature, and in the court records of all European nations.
It is the official historian of the Jews, Kastein, in his "History of the Jews", who gives the underlying reason for this barbaric custom. On page 173, he says,"According to the primeval Jewish view, the blood was the seat of the soul."
Thus it was not the heart which was the seat of the soul, according to the stone-age Jews, but the blood itself. They believed that by drinking the blood of a Christian victim who was perfect in every way, they could overcome their physical shortcomings and become as powerful as the intelligent civilized beings among whom they had formed their parasitic communities.
Because of this belief, the Jews are known to have practiced drinking blood since they made their first appearance in history.
Civilized people find this practice so abhorrent that they cannot believe it, despite the hundreds of pages of evidence against the Jews which are found in court records. Historical records for five thousand years have provided irrefutable proof of the blood guilt of the Jews.
As other people became more civilized, the blood rite became a symbolic one, and a symbolic form of blood, usually wine, was drunk during the ritual, while the barbaric practice of killing a victim was given up altogether.
Only one group, the Jewish cult, has continued to practice the blood rite in modern times.
Authorities on the blood rite, such as the noted Catholic scholar, James E. Bulger, state that the Jews practice the blood drinking rite because they are a parasitic people who must partake of the blood of the gentile host if they are to continue to survive.
Bulger also states that the drinking of blood is a rite of black magic which enables the Jewish rabbis to predict the future as the blood of their gentile victim courses through their veins.
Therefore, Jewish leaders from time to time entice a gentile child, preferably male, and from six to eight years old.
According to Jewish ritual, the gentile child must be perfectly formed, intelligent, and without blemish. He also must be younger than the age of puberty, because the Jews' believe that the blood becomes impure after the beginning of puberty.
When the child is enticed into the synagogue, or, if the Jews are under observation, into some more secret gathering-place, the kidnapped child is tied down onto a table, stripped, and its body pierced with sharp ritual knives in the identical places where the nails entered the body of Christ on the cross.
As the blood is drained into cups, the Jewish leaders raise the cups and drink from them, while the gentile child slowly expires in an atmosphere of unrelieved horror.
The Jews call down curses upon Christ and on all the gentiles, and celebrate their symbolic victory over the gentiles as they continue to drink the blood of the dying child.
Only by performing this rite, so the Jews believe, can they continue to survive and prosper among the gentile host.
Jews were also feared because of their practice of medicine.
In the year 833, the Mohammedans forbade the Jews to adopt the profession of medicine, and in 1335, the Holy Synod of Salamanca declared that Jewish physicians entered this profession solely for the opportunities which it offered them to kill Christians.
One of the greatest calamities which befell mankind was the bubonic plague, or the Black Death, as it was known during the Middle Ages. The Jews were known to have brought this plague to Europe and to have wiped out one-fourth of the population but the gentiles believed that the Jews had done it out of malice.
In this instance, the Jewish parasite came perilously close to destroying its gentile host, but it was not deliberate. The story of how the plague came to Europe has been researched by the scholar, Jacques Nohl.
He writes that a group of Jewish traders from Genoa and Venice had established a settlement in the Crimea, at a place called Kaffa. Here the Jews stored furs and jewels and other valuables which they had obtained in trade,until Genoese merchant ships could carry them back to Europe.
Knowing of these riches at Kaffa, nomadic tribesmen frequently raided the town. As a result, Kaffa was heavily fortified. In the year 1346, an army of Tartar tribesmen attacked the town determined to seize it and carry off its riches.
However, the Jews were well-entrenched, and weeks went by, with little chance of the Tartars achieving their objective. Bubonic plague broke out among Asiatics in their crowded cities, which had no sanitation, and now this disease appeared among the besiegers.
Their commander devised a particularly diabolical plan to smoke out the Jews. He put the corpses of the diseased soldiers on his catapults, and flung them over walls into Kaffa. The plague soon broke out among the defenders, and more than half of the Jews died. The survivors retreated to a ship and sailed for home, carrying the plague bacillus with them.
Their first port of call was Constantinople. This city of one million was soon swept by the plague, and one third of its inhabitants died within two months. The Jewish death-ship next landed in Sicily, where its terrible cargo spread death among the gentiles.
Then to Sardinia, and Genoa; finally the Jewish death-ship docked at Marseilles. The Jewish survivors set out for their settlements in many European cities, and wherever they went, the people were decimated by the plague.
The gentiles soon realized that the plague only appeared where there were Jews, but they had no idea that the Jews had brought the disease with them from Asia Minor. Their first reaction was that the Jews had poisoned their wells, for the plague affected its victims like the symptoms of well-known poisons of that age. The victim was seized with horrible pains, vomited blood, and died within two days. The corpse immediately turned black, suggesting the presence of a virulent poison.
A rumor circulated among the gentiles that the Sanhedrin, a secret council of ruling Jews, had met at Toledo, Spain, and had given orders to destroy the gentiles by poisoning their wells.
There was some basis for this rumor, as the Jews quickly disposed of Jewish victims of the plague by throwing the bodies down a well, to avoid being accused of spreading the plague. This, of course, infected hundreds of people who used this water. As many communities took action against the Jews, they began to flee from country to country, which spread the plague more rapidly.
In Naples, a horde of Jews was driven into the ocean and drowned by the angry gentiles. Their bodies washed up for miles along the Italian coast, and further infected the people. Ship loads of Jews cruised along the coasts of Europe, forbidden to land, as every country had been warned that the Jews were carriers of this disease.
As Jews died on board, their bodies were thrown into the water, and they too, washed up on shore, infecting the very towns which had refused to let them land. The Jews continued to wander about Europe, and the plague raged unabated for fifty years. Twenty-five million people, one-fourth of the population of Europe, died the horrible death of the plague.
It was the most awful calamity ever endured by a civilization and, in this case, the Jews nearly succeeded in wiping out their host.
Russia gave the Jews their opportunity. The Slavic people were much like the Jews, in that they had little cultural life. Archaeologists find no artefacts of civilization in Russia. Like Palestine, the home of the Jews, the soil yields only fragments of clay pots and other evidences of a Stone-Age culture.
Russia too was the home of nomadic bandits until recent times. Two Greek monks travelled to Russia and set up the Cyrillic alphabet, named after one of them.
In 908 A.D., the Slavs asked the Germans to come in and rule them, for they stated that they were incapable of ruling themselves.
The Germans founded an aristocracy, known as White Russians, who administered the country for one thousand years, until the Jews took it over in 1917.
The Slavic peasants had never made any trouble, but in less than a century, the Jews achieved their revolution.
As Baron states, page 332, Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People, "The realization increasingly dawned upon the growing Jewish intelligentsia that the Jewish question could not be solved without the total overthrow of Russia's established order."
What an interesting decision! It was hardly a new one. In fact, the Jews have come to this inevitable conclusion in every gentile country in which they have established a community of parasites. They must devote themselves to the overthrow of the established order. This is a typical "Great Idea of the Jewish People". It is the only idea they have ever had.
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