Epilogue 14
At Auschwitz, a "reconstruction after the war showed gas chambers and ovens which were built by German slave labor in 1946, as part of the Jewish campaign to tell the world about the missing "six million". There was a sound economic reason behind this story of six million Jews supposedly killed by the Nazis out of Germany's prewar Jewish population of 300,000. The State of Israel, which had not been in existence at the time of the supposed massacres, levied "reparations™ against the German people of $800,000,000 a year for ten years, in payment for these "killings". The majority of the dead Jews were Polish Jews who had been killed by Stalin to prevent their betraying his defenses to the oncoming Nazi armies in 1941, but Israel did not ask any reparations from Russia. With the German reparations, the Jews in Israel were able to live comfortably without working, as they lounged in the homes seized from the hardworking Arabs who had built them.
Germany, the only nation which has ever sent military forces against the Communist government of Soviet Russia, was resoundingly defeated, thanks to the frenetic activity of American Jews, who, urged on by Ehrenberg in Moscow, and personally led by Wallach-Litvinov, got the United States into the war to save Jewish Communism from the German attack. Thousands of Germans living in America, who were loyal to the United States, were herded into concentration camps and kept there until long after the war was over, while four billion dollars' worth of their property was seized by the Alien Property Custodian's office and given to the Jews.
One of the great tragedies of mankind is the story of the corruption of America by the Jews, for America represented the last great hope of earth. America has been the symbol of man's desire to live in peace and freedom, yet America's history has been a series of wars and financial panics brought on by the Jews.
Every safeguard which the American people erected against the Jews has been destroyed.
We have already mentioned the provision of the Constitution which our forefathers enacted in order to give us our own monetary system, free of Jewish extortion. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 ended that.
We had a law of contract which allowed us to carry on business with each other. The Jews destroyed that in the famous "integration" decision of May, 1954, in which the Supreme Court ruled that no contract was valid if it contained a reference to race.
In other words, contracts were no longer binding in our business life.
This decision was written by a fanatical Zionist Jew named Felix Frankfurter, of Vienna, who was denounced by President Theodore Roosevelt as "the most dangerous Bolshevik in the country".
Frankfurter's brother, Otto, was known as an habitual criminal who served eight years for an unspeakable crime at Anamosa State Prison in Iowa.
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