Epilogue 22
Late Addition, April, 2017: The following excerpt comes from Mike Adams at http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-04-09-sleepwalking-toward-world-war-iii-like-clockwork-the-next-25-year-cycle-of-mass-human-suffering-and-death-begins-now.html , shortly after Trump bombed a Syrian airbase.
“Here’s EXACTLY what’s going to unfold, step by step, with near perfect scripting.
... the deep state doesn’t even care that I’m telling you all this. The emotional triggering of dead children is so powerful at a visceral level that it overpowers all rationality. Once dead children start being paraded across CNN, nobody even cares whether it was all scripted in advance. Images of dead children bypass all rationality in the human mind, creating precisely the response that’s desired (widespread emotional support for more war). Recognizing this, I’m resigned to the fact that the American sheeple are so cognitively malleable that there’s nothing that I or any other independent media journalist can say to stop this unfolding of unfortunate events. Like clockwork, it’s already scripted and set in stone:
• A huge false flag attack on U.S. soil (or a large U.S. military base) that’s blamed on a targeted foreign enemy
• Photos of dead children paraded across the TV screens to invoke emotional reactions
• A massive outcry and emotional reaction from the mindless public which abandons all reason
• A denouncement of the selected “enemy” by the President and a commitment to defeat them
• 90% approval rating of the President in the polls
• The passing of more laws to surveil more Americans in order to “fight terrorism”
• The rapid expansion of the police state and “martial law LITE”
• The building up of the military for a retaliatory invasion
• The rise of American patriotism, complete with flag waving and blind obedience to government
• The highly entertaining, televised “war” – reality TV “entertainment” for the masses
• The “victory” against the enemy as the invasion succeeds
• The incessant reminder that you need government to protect you even while it’s enslaving you
[I will add the probability of Trump being impeached, to be replaced by VP Pence, an avowed Zionist]
And the cycle repeats about every 25 years or so, which is just long enough for the next generation to forget what happened a generation earlier. It all unfolds according to a roughly 25-year schedule:
• Persian Gulf War: 1990 – 1991
• Vietnam War: 1954 – 1975
• World War II: 1939 – 1945
• World War I: 1914 – 1919
And now, World War III is unfolding right on time, almost exactly 25 years after the Persian Gulf War, and just as the American empire desperately needs to remind its citizens how much they need a powerful, domineering, surveillance regime in order to be kept safe while the economy collapses all around them. All we can do is prepare and survive this… we cannot halt the cycle of mass manipulation and human gullibility. Personally, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that you can never educate enough people about reality to stop these cycles. The sheeple are imminently predictable and easily manipulated by the emotional imagery of false flag theatrics. All we can really do as aware, informed and rational people is prepare for what’s coming and survive it.
The sheeple will always be suckers for every new generation of war. We cannot awaken them sufficiently to compete with the emotional power of staged events. All we can really do is prepare ourselves and our loved ones to survive World War III. The mindlessness of the human race knows no bounds, which is precisely why I’ve begun calling humanity a SUICIDE CULT.
Your job (and mine) is to simply survive the next round of mass suicide that’s about to be triggered by the insane governments that still rule over our planet. “Democide,” as its called, means “death by government,” and it exterminated 262 million lives over the last century or so. That number is about to get much, much larger. Your primary goal at this point should be to make sure you don’t join that statistic.”
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